
Sylvain Huc – Sujets

November 22nd, 2024 Cofestival 2024, Ljubljana
60 minutes

A Spellbinding Continuum

© Erik Damiano

Confronted with the rawness of their nature and the uncertainty of their condition, human specimens explore the space they inhabit and the desire that moves them. However abstract, the drawings borne out by their bodies attest to a tangible commitment by these individuals.

They experiment with movements, test their energies, feel themselves being pushed towards each other or into the void, which threatens to push back its limits… Drifting through the space, they suddenly regain their self-confidence to form a new community.

Through the use of nudity, Sylvain Huc explores the issue of writing, achieving the right balance between the organic nature of the choreography and the natural life of the bodies. The acute, supple movement of the performers, the subtlety of the lighting and the obsessive sound all combine to form a spellbinding continuum.

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